I'm a senior in Environmental Design majoring in Landscape Architecture. I like to hike, camp, bike and ski, just taking in Colorado for all that it has to offer! I also love photography- capturing what could be a fading memory and making it last forever. It is really calming to be away from people and allowed to create wherever I want, as long as the light is good! However, I haven’t been able to really experiment outside of this realm of creation. With this class, I hope to learn digital art skills that will supplement my ability to create art. I am really excited to learn more about the capabilities of my computer. From my current classes I am already proficient in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, but these are huge programs and I know I still have a lot to uncover in them! Like I said before, I am in Landscape Architecture, so I’ve been able to use digital programs in the ways that my program allows- creating boards, rendering out views of parks and creating plans, but I haven’t been able to get weird with anything. I am really excited to start messing around with the less serious side of digital arts and begin creating outside my comfort zone. After college, I plan to go to graduate school to study Interior Architecture. This has always been a dream of mine, and I am excited to pursue it! Hopefully I will be able to take some skills I learned in this class and apply them to my future classes!